Notes on Consciousness
Elizabeth Delaney Elizabeth Delaney

Notes on Consciousness

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.  I'll meet you there. ~Rumi

The Rumi quote above has been echoing in my head lately.  Back in 2016, I wrote —Where is this field? And how can we find it?   But alas 9 years later, I have an idea!  What if the field is the field of consciousness, the way we are all intricately interwoven- inside us, above us, all around us.  I imagine it as a vast superhighway of light above our heads with little pathways that drop into our physical form and then more pathways that radiate from one heart to another (see my hand-drawn diagram).   If we operate from this field, we cannot hold ideas of right and wrong, us and them.

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The Good Life
yoga as a way of life Elizabeth Delaney yoga as a way of life Elizabeth Delaney

The Good Life

What does it mean to have a good life?  Whose definitions are we living by? Is a good life simply food on the table and a roof overhead?  Or is it two houses, two kids, two cars, millions in the bank?  What does a good life mean to you?

As we move into 2025, may we take a moment to uncover what the good life is for each of us… Our first impressions of what “good” looks like comes from our families of origin.  We know what we had and we know when our parents wanted more.  Then the idea of good comes from visiting other people’s homes and seeing their versions of good.  Then we added commercials, magazines, marketing and ads… and even stronger now the advent of social media telling us all the time about the things we need and are missing out on.  Good becomes defined by everything outside of us. 

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Walking the Labyrinth
mindfulness practices Elizabeth Delaney mindfulness practices Elizabeth Delaney

Walking the Labyrinth

The only way out is through… I started on the outside unsure which path to follow.  First, I walked in circles lost in thought.  Decided to use this time to inhabit my physical body.  Movement slowed.  Breath slowed.  One step at a time.  Shifted to the emotional body.  Gratitude lifted me up immediately.  My eyes welled with tears.

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Commit to Being Here
yoga as a way of life, random musings from Liz Elizabeth Delaney yoga as a way of life, random musings from Liz Elizabeth Delaney

Commit to Being Here

The following is from my first writing ever… Summer 2008. Many things have changed- my kids have grown, I am no longer married, yet much of my path remains the same. I had an intense awakening experience after three days with Max Strom (my yoga teacher) and Pir Zia Inayat Khan (the head of the Sufi order). I needed a place to process the world and make sense of my place in it after having my heart cracked open. May you enjoy in the spirit it is offered. Om Shala.

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yoga as a way of life Elizabeth Delaney yoga as a way of life Elizabeth Delaney


This past Fall I was lucky enough to go to Canada with three amazing women (my Quest Queens) to a conference with Martha Beck (my coaching teacher) and Liz Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love, Big Magic and others). On the plane a woman asked why I was traveling and she asked if I was a writer. Very clearly I said, “No. I teach yoga and run a small yoga school.” And here I am wondering if that answer isn’t exactly true.

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